Computer Graphics
layout: post title: “Computer Graphics” categories: [CG]
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Computer Graphics defination:
Describes any use of computers to create and manipulate images.
We study the standard teminology and concepts of CG, which can map nicely to most actual API (computer hardware and software combination enviroment).
Graphics Areas
Modeling deals with the mathematical specification of shape and appearance properties in a way that can be stored on the computer.
Rendering is a term inherited from art and deals with the creation of shaded images from 3D computer models.Also , rendering is a process that the generate a 2D or 3D image from a model .
Animation is a technique to create an illusion of motion through sequences of images. Animation uses modeling and rendering but adds the key issue of movement over time, which is not usually dealt with in basic modeling and rendering.
Homogeneous coordinate System
Perspective Projection
Some Approach: