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Why: Some app is doing unnecessary things or even steal privacy. Monitoring user behaviour: sensitive io files,sensitive upload user privacy file. addin...


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epub here: 点击下载认知天性

读书的Take Home Message

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最近读书收获的Take Home Message(better into 4 mem-chunks ) : 非技术类书籍 最喜欢的序:序二 心流人生:一曲冰与火之歌 心熵:心中的信息熵状态: 混乱的时候: 潜意识里,却有多得多的念头在相互冲突,在争夺 你的注意力,在抢夺你大脑的控制权...


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每日的计划和执行: 搜集所有todo 排序重要和紧急程度 ![[ Eisenhower_matrix.png]] 执行 分配时间片: Schedule time for things that normally distract you. Balance your work and leisur...

Live with diffcult

2 minute read

Descartes’ scientific methodology, which is a useful way to approach complex problems and seek the truth. However, I understand that sometimes you may encoun...