
Bugs to fix:


1.(fixed)article pictures display

2.cant show space at each newline , every newline beging with no space,
i dont know how to set it yet. generate and show
(desktop view)and always make the diretory float at top right when scrolling down.
(mobile view)show a little floating icon to display and nav diretory.
directory should auto generate from .md file

after finish this, I can upload all my blogs and pictures within.


3.(fixed half)beautify fonts,both eng and chs
mobile works,desktop not .

(fixed)textbox margins must have:
article layout, show article at the middle verticle area.
left personal info , right article directory

(mobile view)article margin need some blank

4.article categories show at article bottom(分类,归档), and at the top nav bar click categories could find any specific category.


5.(fixed)emoji? how ? markdown emoji?

6.visiter comment under the article .

7.block visit via QQ , WeChat integreted browser,bcz this may cause Tencent tag my site as danger site, but fact is ,it never be.

8.(fixed)at home page , only 5 artile a page .
shou be more like 15 will be prefer convert normal .md to jekyll .md
with filename-dates and — — include metadatas ,at the begin of every blog , use for classify and title display. in each blog show its post date


github pages workflow
everytime i push to remote-git .
the github will automatic build the github-jekyll-pages,
but it takes about 100s to build . maybe somehow optimize the time

1.add visitors record, to leave a msg.

I have some notes locally .
wait to upload to The Internet~
That will be a cool thing: the notes include: CS tech, society,humanity,personal growth,history, and all the intersting facts and thoughts worth to check it out!
but some of it is format of xmind. need convert to docx and then convert to .md with file and jekyll .md format info.
now still trying to make this workflow automatic to a program with scripts.

Once these notes is tracked by git , that will be a great thing~ I love it !

I`m learning the style same like her blog-website. (from the best teacher~)

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