Concpets of problem solving
Descartes Scientific Methodology
Descartes’ scientific methodology, which is a useful way to approach complex problems and seek the truth.
However, I understand that sometimes you may encounter difficulties that make you feel afraid or discouraged.
That’s normal, and many people have similar feelings
you don’t have to let fear stop you from pursuing your goals and interests
ref: UC course: Learning How to Learn ;Barbara Oakley
brain have 2 modes:
foucs mode :学习新事物的时候
difuse mode: 日常,以及众多熟悉的衣食住行做的事情
学习本身就是在构建小区域的神经网络:当学习中遇到 frastration 的时候,大脑集中在一小块区域解决问题,尚未构建高质量的神经网络:
这个过程需要不断地 practice makes permenant
回想 CS61B 跳脚步舞的那个人.
也需要在 frastratino 时候稍作休息,进入发散模式,
You need to learn how to manage your fear and use it as a catalyst(催化剂) for growth and change.
Learn is a process definnately with challenges.
reframe your fear.
Instead of seeing fear as a negative or threatening emotion, try to consider it as a positive or helpful one.
For example, instead of thinking “I’m afraid of failing this project, think “I’m excited about showing what I can contribute to this project”.
Instead of thinking “I’m afraid of speaking in front of the people”, think “I’m excited about share my ideas and curious about what the people thinks of my presentation”.
By changing your perspective, you can change your emotional response and reduce your anxiety.
view:use positive affirmations.
These are statements that you say to yourself or write down that express your confidence and ability to overcome your fears.
“I have overcome many difficulties before and I can do it again”.
By repeating these affirmations, you can boost your self-esteem and self-efficacy, and create a positive mindset.
You can have the biological power and potential to overcome challenge.
lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels,
increase your serotonin endorphin(内啡肽) levels. (serotonin:血清素,5-羟色胺 can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and increase feelings of joy or happiness).
sober: means have ability to change the view-do
1.generate it 2. let brain receive it
eats: tryptophan Vitamin.D, omega-3 ( vitamin-D and omega-3 fatty acids may modulate(调节) the creation, release, and function of serotonin.)
VD->sunlights: at least 15 minutes of exposure to natural light every day, preferably in the morning or afternoon
Exercising mechinism: trigger therelease of tryptophan into yourblood and reduce the number of otheramino acids. This creates an idealenvironment for more tryptophan toreach your brain and increaseserotonin levels
branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) compete with tryptophan for transport into the brain,
what level of excise will achive the goal of produceaffective tryptophan ?
Generally, moderate to vigorous exercise for atleast 20 minutes can have a significant effect ontryptophan levels
Descartes Scientific Methodology
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epub here: 点击下载认知天性
rpc local procedure call to rpc
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The Pragmatic Programmer
Descartes’ scientific methodology, which is a useful way to approach complex problems and seek the truth. However, I understand that sometimes you may encoun...
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